0800 731 4538

SMATV System - Heathfield Square - Wandsworth

SMATV System - Heathfield Square - Wandsworth


Heathfield square is situated at the northern end of Trinity Road within the Wandsworth Common Conservation Area. The surrounding area is predominantly residential, with the excepion of Wandsworth prison. The prisons west wall runs parallel to the site on the opposite of Heathfield Square, which is a narrow road situated between the railway and HMP Wandsworth.  

The development comprises of 18 new homes which we prided with SMATV points, made up of three-storey houses and apartments. The concept includes the establishment of an improved pedestrian network link as part of the high-quality housing scheme, which will improve surveillance and create an active frontage onto Heathfield Square. The scheme responds to the existing west wall of HMP Wandsworth and respects the 7.5m 'no build' zone reflecting the minimalist nature of the high wall. 


One vision worked closely with Denmark & White to install a standard SMATV 5 wire system which will supply a TV signal throughout the entire building. 

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Fitted 65” TV To wall. Also cavity installation of all leads Great service , done at short notice as Curry’s didn’t fulfil their installation agreement.

Port Talbot, January 2020

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